Monday, October 11, 2010

October's Viewfinder

You can still download the current version of Viewfinder magazine here:
It features an interview with Michael Moore, has a 'how-to' guide on removing unwanted noise, covers dSLR audio, plus much more.
Captions and credits are always used in movies, but choosing the best font for readability is crucial. Plenty of people are still watching TV with an older CRT or standard resolution screen - so use a nice clear, crisp, font that anyone can read. Consider using Arial, Helvetica or Frutiga. Avoid fonts such as Times, Garamond and any other font with curly or thin elements that may not be represented correctly on some TV screens.

The old-school rule of thumb for the length of time text should be kept on screen was that it should be able to be read twice before it disappeared off the screen. Although that rule is routinely broken nowadays.
Thanks for your time and have a greet week.

from an e-mail from Viewfinder