Thursday, February 24, 2011

President’s Message

2011 has started with the trauma of the dreadful earthquake in Christchurch. We have a number of friends and family in the Garden City and it took twenty-four hours before we knew all were safe. Unfortunately this is not the case for many people and our thoughts and prayers go out to all who are affected.

This year will be a challenge for the club and the committee has already met and decided on some changes.

The Competition Programme has been altered slightly (details elsewhere)
The Competition Rules have been slightly altered
Another Mid-Winter Dinner will be organised
More emphasis will be on improving our filmmaking skills
More work will be carried out on our Archive Resource

Last year The Film Heritage Trust Board took the Club to the Disputes Tribunal over whether the FHT had a legal right to access our archival digital video tapes.
After two hearings and in a very detailed decision the claim was dismissed.
The whole business of the formation and activities of the FHT has left a pretty sour taste and has wasted lots of our time and resources.

The committee is looking to the future, is enthusiastic and intends to build on what has worked in the past and also to try some new things as well. It is up to all of us to support the Club in its activities and to encourage non members to participate and ultimately to join.

On the communication side the Club’s Blog is proving a successful resource. More members are regularly checking to see what is new.
Note that mailed information will be sent to members who do not have email but not monthly.

Stay Safe.

Best regards

John Armstrong

President. Otago Amateur Movie Makers Inc.