Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Meeting 28 March 2011

Speaker - Russell Campbell of Dunedin spoke on being a projectionist for the last 50 years. He talked about the famous theatres in Dunedin each with its own character. These included the Embassy, State, St James, Regent, Century, Mayfair and Octagon.
The most stunning film he remembers was "This is New Zealand" using three projectors.

The Open Competition commenced and three very different films were shown.
First  went to "Macraes" by Nevill Smith, Second "Pandas" by John Armstrong and Third "Rhododendrons" by Warren Knox.

Back to Basics continued with Nevill Smith and Andrew Wylie explaining the uses of Long, Medium and Close-up shots. In addition there were Extreme Long Shots, Cowboy shots (more than medium) and extreme close -ups.

It was good to have a visit from Bill Hayes and he very kindly donated a book to the club - "Digital Video - an Introduction" by Tom Ang.
The President is checking to see if it is suitable for members.  :o)

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