Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Meeting 18 April 2011

Peter Begg gave an excellent illustrated talk on his visit to China and Viet Nam.The Furniture Shows he visited were massive.
One sign he saw said   "Open every hour everyday. Enter and get Nuclear Detonation" (Means get "Blown away"!!)
Thanks Peter

Wilma Deen showed "Times they are a changing" - a look at Dunedin over the years.
Cecil Bachop rescued some old glass negatives and showed a sound slide show with old photographs of Dunedin, Christchurch, Picton and Auckland. Well done Cecil.
Noel Read is copying his old films onto DVD's and suggested an evening meeting on the subject. 
Nevill and Andrew then carried on with the Back to Basics. More in another post.

A busy night and well worth while.

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