Monday, June 13, 2011

MovieFest 2011 Amateur Film Competition

From: Graeme Moffatt via Andrew
Subject: MovieFest Amateur Film Competition now accepting registrations
Date: Tuesday, 7, June, 2011, 7:32 PM

The MovieFest Charitable Trust is now accepting registrations for MovieFest 2011 and we invite members of your club to enter this exciting and worthwhile competition.
MovieFest is a short movie competition designed to increase awareness and interest in digital and computer arts and sciences and to screen the entrants work in an effort to encourage aspiring movie-makers.
This is the seventh time the MovieFest nation-wide competition has been held and is designed to showcase the creativity of New Zealand movie makers, in entry categories of primary schools, secondary schools and amateurs or home hobbyist.
Entrants will once again need to produce a short three to five minute movie on a specific topic as outlined in our rules <> and entrants will have eight weeks to produce their movie.
The winners of each of the categories will receive a prize package supplied by a range of sponsors and the runners up will also receive prizes.. The judging format ensures all entrants have an equal chance of getting their movie into the final selection. All movies will be appraised by a panel of judges and the best three in each section of the three categories will be forwarded for final judging by a panel of professional moviemakers..
The topic for this years competition will be announced on Wednesday 3rd August and entrants will have until 2nd October to complete their movie. Public screenings will be held early in November at the new art deco themed 'Roxy Cinema' <> at Miramar in Wellington and the Awards Ceremony will take place in this theatre at the conclusion of the screenings.
To register to enter the competition, please download and fill in the registration form available on our web site <> (use one form for each movie movie if you wish to enter more than one). Please send off your form(s) to PO Box 40-732, Upper Hutt with your payment of $30 for each movie ($25 if paid by 31st July), you wish to enter (payment can also be made by online banking and details are on the entry form). Once your movie is complete, you will need to supply us details about your movie and crew, however we don’t require any details at this stage.
Full details of this years competition are available on the Moviefest web site at <> and past finalists can be viewed online at <>.
Graeme Moffatt
Trustee, MovieFest Charitable Trust

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