Saturday, February 25, 2012

President's Message

President’s Message

2012 will be a landmark year for the Club as it will turn 75 years of age.

The committee has decided to commemorate this event on Saturday 3rd November close to the anniversary date the club was formed. A sub committee (headed by Nevill Smith) has been set up to organise the event and we know the day will be interesting and entertaining. If you know the contact details of any previous members please let a committee member know in order that they may be advised of the celebration.

The committee has already met and decided on much of 2012’s programme.

The Competition Programme has been altered slightly from last year.
Another Mid-Winter Dinner will be organised
A days filming at an interesting site is being planned
More work will be carried out on our Archive Resource

The committee is looking to the future, is enthusiastic and intends to build on what has worked in the past and also to try some new things as well. It is up to all of us to support the Club in its activities and to encourage non members to participate and hopefully to join.

On the communication side the Club’s Blog is continuing to provide information in a timely manner. More and more members are regularly checking to see what is new.

Please note that mailed information will be sent to members who do not have access to email.

Stay Safe.

Best regards

John Armstrong

President. Otago Amateur Movie Makers Inc.

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