Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Next Meeting - Not to be missed

to a
Relaxed Afternoon Outing & B.B.Q.

At Gio and Ruth’s place: 485 Hayward Point Rd.
Sunday 30th of March
Partners and / or Friends Welcome!
Lots to do
     Walks!      Short and long, on the peninsula.

A      A Tower!     To climb up and do some filming from!
        A Movie Theatre!         Bring your favourite film! (There are heaps already there!).

        A Live Theatre!      You can use to perform your favourite item if you wish!

A Sunroom!              Have a snooze or just sit and yarn. Perhaps we can organise a trip down to Murdering Beach?

We will have a few drinks and then a BBQ from around
5 to 6 pm. Please bring a small token for the BBQ.

 If you get lost, phone 4821112 for assistance.
 Car Pooling would be a good idea. Come for the whole afternoon if you wish!

 # Gio will require numbers…please confirm by 27th March. Phone           4741287

             If the weather is absolutely awful we can cancel by email / phone by midday.

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