Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Meeting Report February 2015

Our First club night for 2015 had a very good attendance with a few apologies received. It is pleasing to see also the club competitions starting well with 5 entries in the Holiday Cup competition, one up on the same last year. We had no guest speakers planned, but an opportunity arose to ‘Borrow’ a Speaker from a photographic society meeting next door for 30 minutes before their scheduled time, and we had a very interesting talk from James Luhrs, South Island representative for Olympus.  He talked about a new release camera Olympus O-MD E-MS MK 11 Digital still and movie camera which features outstanding video capabilities with a new and innovative multipoint stability control system. Other features include M.S.C.  system so no camera sound in movies. He also summarised some other Olympus products. This occupied time that had been set aside for  film contributions from several other members, to be enjoyed another time.

President Peter Begg then gave a talk on the Focus for 2015. Our club is in a healthy position to  build a foundation for the future, despite our membership being at lower levels than earlier years of the Otago Cine Club, and he outlined areas that the club will be focusing on in order to set it up for inclusion of more people from our wider community, and therefore opening a door to growth. He covered our competition structure for 2015, guest speakers, plans for 5 thru 2015 already in place, with 2 confirmed so far. Improving club profile in the community with a view to future growth was also an important section of the talk, with a club information brochure to be created, media publicity, in store displays, and new project initiatives to involve other like minded organisations being covered. He outlined the way that workshops will be held, and spoke of a soon to start new project to be part of the club’s permanent activities...Filming Dunedin.
This appeared to be well received and it is a realisation that  the club will need to continue to work to achieve these goals.

Competition Results ‘Holiday Cup

1st                Clay Cliffs          Nevill Smith  
    An outstanding film on an amazing landscape not far from Omarama

2nd            The Catlins then and now         Warren Knox        
     An interesting and informative look through the Catlins and its History

 3rd            Taieri A & P Show                   Andrew Wylie          
      Some excellent images telling a story of the recent Taieri A & P Show

           We also saw an great film from Mike Davies showing Scenes from a visit to Easter Island, a destination with some surprises to those who don’t know it....and a film by Murray Elston showing views of the annual Dunedin to Brighton vintage car rally....images that may be good for future archiving?

           Reported by Peter Begg.

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