Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Mid- Winter Dinner again!

Otago Amateur Movie Makers Inc.
Invites You
To attend Our Annual
Mid-Winter Pot Luck Dinner

At John & Robyn’s Home,
   1 Upland Street Helensburgh

From 5.30pm Sunday 5th July.

Partners and / or Friends Welcome!
Bring a winter Dish / Plate / Pot / Pan, or
Bowland some B.Y.O. if you wish.

Programme will include June Competition, (Up to 2 minute News Item),                                      and a showing of a Tony Robinson documentary filmed in Dunedin:
         ‘Tour of Duty’

One or two of you may have seen this, if so, worthy of another look…for those who haven’t, you will find this film about Dunedin connections to W.W.1 very interesting.

# Numbers…please advise John or Robyn by Friday 3rd July. Phone 467 2564 or         

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