Tuesday, November 23, 2010

President's Report for 2010 - (Abbreviated)

I have much pleasure in presenting the President’s report – the first under the name of Otago Amateur Movie Makers Incorporated. The name change took place relatively painlessly and we are now all getting used to it.

It has been my ambition to involve members in more than just monthly meetings so that we can become friends rather than just monthly acquaintances. To this end we have had a boat trip, a mid-winters dinner and a visit from our video friends in Ashburton. All of these events were well supported and successful.

To help improve the standard of our film-making two Enthusiasts nights were added to the programme. It is hoped more of these events will be scheduled in 2011 along with tuition on some of our club-nights.

On the 12th August the Committee met to consider the possible expulsion of a member from the Club. In terms of the rules the member was invited to the meeting to respond to the allegations but he did not attend. After a lengthy discussion, the expulsion was voted on and the motion was carried unanimously.

Wilma Deen after many years, intimated that she wished to retire as Bulletin Editor. The six monthly periodical has been the main source of information for many a long year and I wish to thank Wilma for her work.

To improve the immediacy of communication, the club has set up a Blog Site on an experimental basis. Information relating to meetings and happenings around the club and further a field is being published and abridged versions printed off on a less regular basis for those that still prefer the written word. We do need more articles though.

The entries in the competitions continue to decline but as always we hope for better things next year.
The competition rules were put into a new format and published on the Blog. There were some minor changes from the ones published seven or so years ago. The rules will continue to be regularly updated and improved and input from members is welcome.

On a national basis our members again had success with a second equal and a fourth equal being achieved in the prestigious Arnold Stanbury Competition.

It was sad to learn of the passing of Dr. Charles Moore. Charles and his wife Betty were members for many years and we will miss their company, their films and their fine sense of humour.

I wish to thank the Committee for their help and assistance in making some difficult decisions during the year. Special thanks to Andrew Wylie our Technocrat, to Doug Finnie our Secretary, to Murray Elston our Treasurer and Vice President Frank Weedon. Also thanks to Harry Deen and other members who have helped during the year.

As we look forward to next year we must make a concerted effort to make the Club a fun and useful place to be and also we must all go out of our way to attract new members.

John Armstrong
22 November 2010