Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Next Meeting Monday 26 September 2011

The next meeting will be held at our normal venue, Mornington Community Centre, 16 Maryhill Terrace, Dunedin commencing 7.30pm.

What's On?
Back to Basics series led by Nevill Smith and Andrew Wylie will continue with assistance from Frank Weedon. Back to Basics has proved popular and informative. The subject this month is Narration.

There is no competition this month but you are free to bring along films for viewing (maximum of 5 minutes please). This restriction is to give everyone a fair go. If you do happen to have a longer masterpiece please check with the President.

We have all got a lot of photographs.
If we haven’t taken them ourselves, one or more of the family has and the question is what to do with them.

When my mum died there was a suitcase of old photos most of them black and white and most 2” by 3”. There were some bigger ones and quite a few had the details on the back of the people in the photograph - and a lot didn’t.

More recently there were slides and we took hundreds of slides in the 1960’s mainly on Kodachrome film. We all have sat through slide shows which were all very interesting to the photographer.
Now we have boxes and boxes of old slides, photos and films and it really is a bit of a quandary as to what to do with it all.

Never fear, our President John is here and will show how to prepare something quite watchable with a little help from editing software. Now when your spouse or partner or children have a special event these films can make an appearance. 


Name tags are now available for all financial members and are available from Nevill Smith. Some members have found them especially useful when filming in public places. Thanks to Robyn and Nevill for design and printing.

The committee is now considering the 2012 programme including social and competitions. If you have views on these matters please have a chat to a committee member.

Reminder - Entries to the Arthur Richardson competition close 1 October. Entry requirements are detailed elsewhere on the blog.

Finally supper per courtesy of Harry. 

Looking forward to seeing you all

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