Thursday, October 6, 2011

Next Meeting 17th October 2011

Note the date please. This month it is the 3rd Monday to keep it away from Labour Weekend.

The meeting will be held at our normal venue, Mornington Community Centre, 16 Maryhill Terrace, Dunedin commencing 7.30pm.

What's On?
Mr. Bryan Wolff (an excellent filmmaker) has graciously agreed to speak to us on his six month "cruise" around the North Island in his and Anne's Campervan. It is certainly a lifestyle that is attracting more and more people and it should be well worth listening to.

The competition is "Open" with a maximum of 5 minutes.

Name tags are now available for all financial members and are available from Nevill Smith. Members have found them especially useful when filming in public places.

2012 Programme
The committee is considering the 2012 programme including social and competitions. If you have views on these matters please have a chat to a committee member.

Finally supper per courtesy of Harry. 

Looking forward to seeing you all

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