Tuesday, November 29, 2011

President’s Report for 2011 AGM

I have much pleasure in presenting the 2011 President’s report.

2011 started badly with the dreadful earthquakes in Christchurch. We have a number of friends and family in the Garden City and it took twenty-four hours before we knew all were safe. Unfortunately this is not the case for many people and our thoughts go out to all who were affected.

The mainstay of our social programme remains the monthly meetings. It continues to be our aim to involve members in more than just these meetings so that we can become friends rather than monthly acquaintances.
The Mid-winter’s dinner turned into a fun night and the Enthusiast’s night was useful and enjoyable.
To help improve the standard of our film-making Nevill Smith, Andrew Wylie and Frank Weedon gave short talks on club nights on various technical matters. It was called “Back to Basics”. I believe we should continue this education in 2012.

Archiving of old films.
Immediately following last year’s AGM The Film Heritage Trust Board took the Club to the Disputes Committee over whether they had a legal right to access our archival digital tapes library.
After two hearings and in a very detailed decision the claim was dismissed. This has been an unnecessary diversion and wasted a considerable amount of time.

The costs of keeping our gear in a storage area is proving more expensive than our club can afford and the committee has been working on a number of possible alternatives. I can now say that it is almost certain that the matter will be satisfactorily resolved by Christmas.

Work has been undertaken to improve the cataloguing of the archived films. This will make retrieval a good deal quicker and easier.

It is our aim to make the films more readily available to the public and progress is being made.

The Blog site set up last year has proved a useful adjunct to our communications. To remind you all, information relating to meetings and happenings around the club and further a field is being published on it.  In addition abridged versions are printed off on a less regular basis for those that still prefer the written word.

Peter Begg has kept tabs on the winners and the results of his labours are here tonight.
I would remind you all that the competition rules have been published on the Blog. They are also available in written form.

On a national basis Nevill Smith has again had success with a second  placing in the prestigious Arnold Stanbury Competition. We are proud of you Nevill.

A number of our members have suffered illness through the year and our thoughts are with you all.

Finally I wish to thank the Committee for their help and assistance during the year. Special thanks to Andrew Wylie who beavers along behind the scenes, to Doug Finnie our Secretary now standing down after his third term, Murray Elston our Treasurer and Vice President Frank Weedon.  

As we look forward to next year we must make a concerted effort to make the Club a fun and useful place to be and we must go out of our way to attract new members.

John Armstrong

President. Otago Amateur Movie Makers Inc.
   28 November 2011

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