Tuesday, December 4, 2012

President's Report (abbreviated)

Otago Amateur Movie Makers Incorporated
President’s Report for 2012 AGM

I have much pleasure in presenting the 2012 President’s report.

75th Anniversary
The most important activity for the year was undoubtedly the 75th Anniversary of the founding of the club. Nevill Smith led the sub-committee that organised the event, arranged the speaker and provided entertainment for the dinner. The club is an important part of Dunedin’s heritage and the milestone was suitably marked.
Thank you Nevill Smith, Andrew Wylie, Frank Weedon and Robyn Armstrong. 
Southern Reels
The committee believed it was a suitable time to update the history of the club and a book entitled “Southern Reels” was researched and compiled by Robyn Armstrong. Thank you Robyn and all those who provided information and assistance with this history.
The mainstay of our social programme remains the monthly meetings. This year we encouraged our members to make up programmes.
This proved successful and a number of films going back quite a few years again saw the light of day.
The Mid-winter’s dinner was again successful.
There is a balance between education and entertainment and I believe these evenings successfully achieved that balance.
The Blog site continues to be a useful adjunct to our communications. It contains information relating to meetings and happenings around the club and further a field. As time goes by it will become more and more interesting as a repository of the recent activities and history of the club.
It has been accessed by more than 4500 hits.
Peter Begg has kept tabs on the winners and the results of his labours are here tonight.
I would remind you all that the competition rules have been published on the Blog and they are also available in written form.
On a national basis Nevill Smith has again had a major success with a first placing in the prestigious Arnold Stanbury Competition. We are proud of you Nevill.
Finally I wish to thank the Committee for their help and assistance during the three years of my presidency. I want to especially thank Andrew Wylie who beavers along behind the scenes.
Also to Nevill Smith for the 75th organisation, Robyn Armstrong for “Southern Reels”, to our Treasurer Murray Elston and our Vice President Frank Weedon and the rest of the committee Peter Begg, Gio Angelo, Gordon Caley, and Warren Knox with Doug Finnie in attendance.

This has been a successful year but more progress needs to be made in the future.
John Armstrong

President. Otago Amateur Movie Makers Inc.
   26 November 2012

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