Monday, September 9, 2013

Dirt inside the lens

We own a Panasonic TZ20 which is a wonderful travel camera. It takes amazing photos and the movies are sharp and crisp. There was one problem however, it has a tendency to suck in dirt inside the little beast. Apparently when the camera is turned on the lens protrudes causing a low pressure area to form inside. Any dirt around tries to invade and in our case was successful.
What to do? Should we get it repaired or throw it out? We estimated the cost of repairs might be about half of what it was worth and seemed a marginal idea at best. Out came Dr. Google and up came a multitude of  answers. Seemed that the problem was not unique to us.
There were a number of U-tube clips enticing us to give it a go at DIY and off to Jaycars for a suitable selection of good quality screwdrivers.
First you take out the battery and SD card then the six little screws holding the back on. I won't continue but links can be found by searching for "How to clean the lens of Panasonic TZ20"

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We found it wasn't necessary to undo the ribbons and we could carefully work with everything still attached. 
Only necessary to put back together then reinstall the card and battery and there we were - an operating dust free camera.

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