Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Report on September meeting

A good crowd turned out despite it being wet, and although a few were missing due to apologies for various reasons the 16 people who were at the meeting had a very enjoyable night
Being a members choice night, we were entertained by a great variety of short films and comment, around 9 separate Items in all. Some members chose to air some golden films made in the past and this opportunity gave them the enthusiasm to dig them out of dusty boxes and shelves, and an incentive to give them another airing. We have had members own choice nights for 3 years now, and will continue them as long as interest stays high. They don’t count in the annual competitions.

Warren Knox screened a competition film he made about 10 years ago on Glenavy High country Station, called ‘2003 Wilderness adventure’. This was very well received.
Frank Weedon screened his excellent 10 minute documentary made in 1995 called ‘Narrow Boat to Llangollen’, a story about a canal trip in Wales, still very much an outstanding production.
Andrew Wylie had a piece of film about the amazing Americas Cup  production technology behind the scenes, an how the specialised cameras used on the boats function.
Ted Hagen brought along a very funny little comedy he made in the early 1990’s called ‘The Dentist’ still very funny.
Peter Begg aired a competition entry made almost exactly 20 years ago, his first serious entry to the group when joining, called ‘A lovely day tomorrow’ about old radio programmes, serials long forgotten, and visual memorabilia to match.
Wilma Deen came along with a little gem called ‘Bill’s Elixir’ she made in 1990 a humorous short film on home made hair tonic.
The variety and quality of these films made for a great nights entertainment, and generally the technical difficulty in making films of this nature in the years they were made and the high quality achieved at the time still shows through strongly. A short introduction given by everyone before they screened their films added to the interest.
It is fair to say scenes in some of these films were a stark reminder of how we  change over the years!
A reminder was given to the members about the disc of our film ‘Three to Go’ still available to members for $5.
Also the Arthur Richardson Trophy entries must be completed by 1 October 2013. they are screened at our final meeting night in November
October competition is Own Choice up to 5 minutes, the last for this year before our A.G.M. and competition awards night in November, so we encourage everyone to give it a go.
The meeting concluded with a raffle, and Supper from 9.15 pm
Peter Begg (President)

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