Monday, September 8, 2014

August Meeting Report

Apologies from John and Robyn, Doug, and Gordon.
President Peter updated information regarding Gordon Caley, out of hospital.
He also advised the members of the sad Passing of Alex McKenzie early in August, the sympathies of all the members is extended to his wife and Family. Only a few weeks ago he had signalled his intention to return to meetings when he got his licence back only three weeks to go.
Report on Meeting:
A full and interesting evening was had by all commencing with a very interesting talk from Valerie Steele, a head tutor from Senior Net. She gave a good insight into the size and function of the three senior net branches in Dunedin. The Green Island Branch is the biggest with over 200 members. They run computer education classes classes on various specialised aspects ranging from beginners to more sophisticated  aspects of operation.  I am sure many present had no idea as to the size and organisation of Senior Net. She also elaborated on ways you can join, eligible to all over 50. Although they  teach how to edit digital photos etc. they have never got into teaching movie creating / editing on computer and she saw this role as one we could fill...commenting on our workshop which will commence from tonight.
A vote of thanks was given by Gio Angelo.
Competitions: 3 entries, all of a very high standard this month making it hard for judging,
1st Nevill Smith with ‘From Dam to Bridge’ a very informative film about travelling over several nights from Roxburgh Dam to the Alexandra Bridge by boat on  little known Gold Mining areas on the Clutha river. This film well illustrated the history of the Gold Rush in this era, featured the Lonely Graves, and beautifully portrayed the peaceful ambience of it today.
2nd Gio Angelo with ‘Nooks and Crannies (2)’...another in the series, this time talking about an old Tram way near Ross Street, where apple trees from seeds from apple cores thrown on the bank long ago still thrive, some early City Rise town houses built just after the turn of the century, still in good order today, concluding with a story about the first State house built  in Dunedin IN 1937, situated in Pine Hill, still looking good today. These little snapshots of early Dunedin history are all around us and these  films extract them with brilliance.
3rd Mike Davies with ‘Emerson in Auckland’  Made to be seen through a child's eyes, (namely Emerson)... this bright and colourful movie about a trip to Auckland by Grand  Son Emerson
visiting all the fun spots around the area, including train rides, amusement parks, boating to Devonport, and playing on the beach...was skilfully made to be seen through young paced, colourful, and involving plenty of light hearted sequences of Grand Ma and Grand Dad scared witless in rides at the amusement park.
O.A.M.M.Workshop Commenced.
Using paper and easel Gio Angelo was able to work with the membership present to highlight the processes to undertake before making a film, starting with the idea, pre planning, Planning ,  story, scene setting, framing, filming, breaking down these steps into logical order. At all times he extracted with expertise ideas from the members, and kept them interested and involved for around 40 to 45 minutes... concluding with a brief look at the edit programme we will be using at the next session to be held at Senior Net Rooms in Green Island 1st September to edit pre- made sequences into a short film. We have 8 people attending the session.
The interactive lecture was received with enthusiasm.  
The Raffle was won by Peter Begg, Harry Deen, and Andrew Wylie ..
Supper was had when the meeting closed at 9.40 pm
Thanks Peter for this report.

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