Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Monthly Meeting, Monday September 22nd 2014

The Meeting will be held as normal at Mornington Community Centre, 16 Maryhill Terrace Dunedin at 7.30 pm
 Spring Equinox occurs at 12.03 pm on 22nd September! Six more days to daylight saving!  (And the weather is settling into its usual routine!!)   
COMPETITION:  No Competition tonight.

# Own Choice film evening:
This will be an opportunity to bring along a short film of interest. It is a chance to air those oldies but goodies, or a recent masterpiece you have tucked away that you wish to show. Remember the shorter the films the more we can view, ideally a good mix of one or two up to 10 mins, and the rest up to 5 minutes. In previous years this has proved very popular…no judging or scoring, just bring any item you feel is of interest. (Films intended for future competition entry should not be considered for this evening).
Please advise me if possible in advance
(1) if you want to bring something along    
(2) its time duration.
If too popular there will be a cut-off point due to time constraints and we will show the rest some other time.
# O.A.M.M. Workshop final session
We will view short films resulting from the completion of our editing workshop (session 2) and there will be some floor discussion and a summing up of the content of the workshop, areas needing more coverage can be rewiewed, if required. Judging by the interest, this workshop will not be the last.

# Show and Tell John Armstrong will talk about the great features on his new video camera…it is amazing what is packed in to modern cameras these days.

# Raffle Draw   Your support is appreciated, and helps us pay the rent.

# Supper at closure of meeting

Peter Begg (President)

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