Thursday, April 24, 2014

Next Meeting - Monday 28 April 2014

I hope you all had a great Easter.

The next Meeting will be held as normal at the Mornington Community Centre, 16 Maryhill Terrace, Dunedin on Monday 28 April 2014 commencing at 7.30pm

What an interesting variance to our meeting programme with Gio’s and Ruth's Barbecue in March! Remember April was a non-competition month, but due to the barbecue this was brought forward to March. April is now the competition that was originally set down for March.

COMPETITION: Club subject ‘Own Choice’ up to 5 mins (perhaps some Easter Fare? Or is it too soon?)

SHOW AND TELL: The President has very much had his other Presidential hat on, March / April is a busy period in the Lions Year…He would very much welcome one or two items from members other than those below. Please advise before the meeting so that time can be allocated.

Other Items
# Gio Angelo has been talking with the people at Senior-net. There may be some interest from them to work or affiliate with us at some level. He will report on this.

# Andrew Wylie is showing a news clip interview on a recent event.  

# Peter Begg will report on several matters including a recent chance meeting, a short film made on a busy weekend in late March, and some health and welfare news.

# John Armstrong will give a short talk and perhaps seek some input on a film he is making which (as he will explain) shows an unlikely link between the Mt Cook area and Olveston.

# Competition Results

# Raffle Draw
(Your support is appreciated, and helps us pay the rent.)

# Supper at closure of meeting

Peter Begg - President

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